- From crowded parking lots to long checkout lines, getting the perfect gifts for your nearest and dearest definitely isn’t easy.
- Common concerns we all have while holiday shopping range from wondering how much is too much to spend to guessing the correct clothes size.
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It’s the most wonderful – and somewhat hectic – time of the year.
Nothing beats the thrill of scoring a deal on the perfect gift for your family or a loved one. However, holiday shopping can also be time-consuming, stressful, and expensive.
After spending hours weaving in and out of shopping mall crowds and waiting in long lines, you might end up wondering whether you should’ve just bought your gifts on Amazon.
Here are 19 thoughts everyone has while holiday shopping.
I wonder how busy it's going to be ... oh, extremely busy.
Foto: Crowded parking lot.sourceRobert Barnes/Getty Images
Alright, I'm here to get everyone the perfect gift — and I'm going to get it all today.
Foto: J.Crew.sourceMike Segar/Reuters
Ooh ... but that's nice for me.
Foto: Woman holding up a sweater while shopping in a store.sourceWestend61/Getty Images
Maybe I should get this bathrobe for my mom? Do moms like bathrobes?
Foto: Woman looking at a bathrobe.sourceHappyNati/Getty Images
My dad would like this grilling tool set. It's December, but that's still fine for outdoor grilling, right?
Foto: Man grilling.sourceiStock
I really should have eaten before I started.
Foto: Mall food court.sourceS-F/Shutterstock
Alright, focus. I have to get everything on my list. I'm not coming back.
Foto: Holiday shopping list.sourceErin McDowell/Business Insider
What about a phone case? Although ... I have no idea which phone they have. Why are there so many new iPhone models?
Foto: iPhone case.sourceMaskot/Getty Images
Or what about a shirt? I really don't know what size to get, so I hope this store has a good return policy.
Foto: Athletic shirts in a store.sourcemikroman6/Getty Images
What even is an inseam?
Foto: Men's trousers on a shelf.sourcemikroman6/Getty Images
Can I go home now? This is completely overwhelming.
Foto: Shoppers clog the aisles at Macy's Department store on November 28, 2003, in New York City.sourceStephen Chernin/Getty Images
Is this too much — or too little — money to spend on one person?
Foto: Woman looking at kitchen appliances.sourcezoranm/Getty Images
Forget it, I'm just going to get a Starbucks gift card for the office secret Santa.
Foto: Starbucks gift cards.sourceBastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto/Getty Images
Now it's time to wait in line for 30 minutes to buy all this stuff.
Foto: A long line in a department store.sourceStefan Rousseau/PA Images/Getty Images
Maybe I should check my bank account while I wait.
Foto: Mobile banking apps.sourceThomas Trutschel/Photothek/Getty Images
Yikes. Well, I'll get money as gifts from some people ... right?
Foto: Money with a bow on it.sourceDouglas Sacha/Getty Images
I should have just bought this stuff online.
Foto: Amazon website.sourcePaul Hennessy/NurPhoto/Getty Images
These bags are giving my hands blisters but at least I got everything on my list. Nothing can stop me now!
Foto: A person holding multiple shopping bags.sourceBurak Karademir/Getty Images
Oh, wait. Where did I park my car?
Foto: Crowded parking lot.sourcegyro/Getty Images